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A little nervous, Elder Riley takes his time unbuttoning his shrirt. Without making small talk, the bishop tells the boy to take his clothes off. When he’s called for, he slinks into the room, eyes down. He’s not sure what the inspection will involve, but he really hopes he’ll get a taste of the bishop’s thick cock.

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Elder Riley shows up at the mission home feeling a mixture of anxiety and excitement. He loves looking over the naked Mormon boys and groping their dicks and probing their assholes. Inspecting the young missionaries is one of Bishop Angus’s favorite tasks. But before he can be accepted, he must be thoroughly inspected to ensure that he is worthy of the privilege. He’s the perfect candidate for the secret order.

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Bishop Angus knows that he’s also a beautiful boy with a hot body and a hungry hole. He has been an excellent missionary, has served and loved his companion, and has obeyed every instruction given to him by his priesthood leaders.

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Before Elder Riley could be ordained, he was thoroughly inspected by Bishop Angus. Bishop Angus inspects every inch of cute little Elder Riley.

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